About me

My name is Joyce Korll and I’m a multimedia designer based in The Netherlands. Currently a second-year Communication and Multimedia Design (CMD) student at Avans University of Applied Sciences in Breda.

CMD is an all-around education that teaches you to design the unknown world of tomorrow. You will focus on the entire design process, from understanding the complex problems to creating all sorts of design solutions that put the needs of the users first. These design solutions can consist of a product or a service, for example, Game Design, Graphic Design, Product Design, Web Design, and more.

My passion for design started when I entered the creative world by studying media design (specializing in lifestyle & media) at Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam in 2016. Since then, I have been staying on top of the latest developments and expanding my design skills by constantly learning something new.

About me

My name is Joyce Korll and I’m a multimedia designer based in The Netherlands. Currently a second-year Communication and Multimedia Design (CMD) student at Avans University of Applied Sciences in Breda.

CMD is an all-around education that teaches you to design the unknown world of tomorrow. You will focus on the entire design process, from understanding the complex problems to creating all sorts of design solutions that put the needs of the users first. These design solutions can consist of a product or a service, for example, Game Design, Graphic Design, Product Design, Web Design, and more.

My passion for design started when I entered the creative world by studying media design (specializing in lifestyle & media) at Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam in 2016. Since then, I have been staying on top of the latest developments and expanding my design skills by constantly learning something new.

“An experimental multimedia designer with a strong interest in
visual identity, print and digital design.”

“An experimental multimedia designer with a strong interest in
visual identity, print and digital design.”

As a multimedia designer, I’m always searching for innovative ways to solve the complex problems of today. I’m critical in my work and with an eye for detail I think about the function and meaning of every important element. In addition, I am very eager to learn and like to experiment with different mediums to improve my knowledge and skills. Through design, I can communicate with the world, deliver a message, inform people or give them ideas/solutions through a visual medium.

As a multimedia designer, I’m always searching for innovative ways to solve the complex problems of today. I’m critical in my work and with an eye for detail I think about the function and meaning of every important element. In addition, I am very eager to learn and like to experiment with different mediums to improve my knowledge and skills. Through design, I can communicate with the world, deliver a message, inform people or give them ideas/solutions through a visual medium.