My work

My work

Contemporary Art - Catalog 2021

Research, Graphic Design

This Catalog is designed to provide insight into contemporary art; all visual art made today, created since the late 1960s.

Leven voor een ander

Photography, Product Design,
Speculative Design

Speculative design offers the freedom to question the current system. With "Leven voor een ander" we asked the question "What if we were able to genetically manipulate people to grow more organs?"


Visual Identity, Web Design

Students find it difficult to organize and prioritize their work. Planz is a simple tool to help students get a grip on their daily lives.

MAY 2022

Graphic Design, Product Design

A multi-layered stencil painting on canvas applied as a graphic design to create a vinyl album cover.


Machine Learning, UI & UX Design

STRESSD is a predictive and guiding interactive application that predicts your stress level. The app provides several tips to manage stress better.

Tun Formation

Embodied Experience Design, Storytelling

Coming soon...

An embodied experience that lets you explore the invisible nature of a tardigrade (micro-animal) in such a way that it gives you a different perspective of the world.

Contemporary Art - Catalogue 2021 (NL)

Research, Graphic Design

This Catalogue is designed to provide insight into contemporary art; all visual art made today, created since the late 1960s.

Leven voor een ander

Critical Design, Photography, Speculative Design

Speculative Design offers the freedom to question the current system. With "Leven voor een ander" we asked the question "What if we were able to genetically manipulate people to grow more organs?"


Visual Identity, Web Design

A corporate identity designed for Planz. Planz is a simple tool to help students get a grip on their daily lives.

MAY 2022

Graphic Design, Product Design

A multi-layered stencil painting on canvas applied as a graphic design to create a vinyl album cover.

Coming soon...


Machine Learning, UI & UX Design

STRESSD is a predictive and guiding interactive application that predicts your stress level. The app provides several tips to manage stress better.

Tun Formation

Embodied Experience Design, Storytelling

An embodied experience that lets you explore the invisible nature of a tardigrade (micro-animal) in such a way that it gives you a different perspective of the world.