Leven voor een ander

Product Design,
Speculative Design,
made by Studio K&K,
Nina Korteweg and Joyce Korll

Healthcare is under pressure. Hospitals have too little space, doctors and nurses are falling out of the workforce because of high work pressure and physically and mentally demanding work, and the cost of healthcare continues to rise every year.

The Amphia Hospital in Breda commissioned us to design a speculative visual within the context of healthcare. Together with Nina Korteweg (Studio K&K), we selected a relevant development in the healthcare industry. As designers, we used our imagination to explore new future realities and question the social and cultural consequences of technological innovations to explore alternative solutions. Research into contemporary and future developments and current issues, dilemmas, and debates has enabled us to position ourselves well within the subject. In addition, we used strategic theories and design methods to get relevant insights and we reformulated several times based on new insights that came from the design research, the prototypes, and the (user) tests.

Speculative Design offers the freedom to question the current system. This design is NOT aimed to solve a problem but to generate friction. Moreover, the speculative design aims to stimulate public reflection and debate. With "Leven voor een ander" we asked the question "What if we were able to genetically manipulate people to grow more organs?" As a result, there would be a flood of organs that can be used to donate. So many, that we're going to sell them in the supermarkets.

Leven voor een ander

Critical Design,
Speculative Design,
made by Nina Korteweg and Joyce Korll

Healthcare is under pressure. Hospitals have too little space, doctors and nurses are falling out of the workforce because of high work pressure and physically and mentally demanding work, and the cost of healthcare continues to rise every year.

The Amphia Hospital in Breda commissioned us to design a speculative visual within the context of healthcare. Together with Nina Korteweg, we selected a relevant development in the healthcare industry. As designers, we used our imagination to explore new future realities and question the social and cultural consequences of technological innovations to explore alternative solutions. Research into contemporary and future developments and current issues, dilemmas, and debates has enabled us to position ourselves well within the subject. In addition, we used strategic theories and design methods to get relevant insights and we reformulated several times based on new insights that came from the design research, the prototypes, and the (user) tests.

Speculative Design offers the freedom to question the current system. This design is NOT aimed to solve a problem but to generate friction. Moreover, the speculative design aims to stimulate public reflection and debate. With "Leven voor een ander" we asked the question "What if we were able to genetically manipulate people to grow more organs?" As a result, there would be a flood of organs that can be used to donate. So many, that we're going to sell them in the supermarkets.